Welcome to our New & Improved Dr. Wong's Essentials® online store!
Yes, its about time. But, with diligent work we have managed to get our new & improved on-line store up and running as promised! It is our sincerest hope that this platform will bring about a more enjoyable shopping and checkout experience for our customers. We have tried to make the appearance of our new site a little different (just so you know it's new) but with the same overall feel that our customers have come to recognize with all of our stores past incarnations.
It make take a little bit of time to get used to the new layout, checkout experience, etc but we truly believe your shopping experience will be greatly improved! Please do note that while we have moved all of our customers over to the new store, we do not have the ability to move over past orders or passwords. So, everyone will need to reset their password.... sorry about that!